Saturday, September 12, 2009

So needless to say...

Everything turned out fine. Better than fine.
It was an amazing week!

Here are some pics:

and some videos to whet your whistle:

I'll get more pictures back in a matter of days and post them.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the wedding: our families, bridal parties, friends, readers, our officiant Michael, and all our guests for making it the most unforgettable week of our lives.

lots of love,


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Down to the wire

There's nothing worse than logging onto your wedding website, glancing at the corner of the screen and seeing that horrid sentence: 24 days til your wedding. TWENTY FOUR.
And if I log on tomorrow (which I most certainly will NOT), it'll tell me that i have 23 days until my wedding.
HOW, I ask you, AM I SUPPOSED TO CONTINUE LIVING IN DENIAL while this horrific count down persists?
It's impossible, I tell you. And, perhaps, that is the point.

It was all pretty chill for a while there. All of that is over. OVER!
Not to mention I'm still doing a show...until the 19th.
And to make matters even worse, my body has chosen this moment to come down with a cold.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


This is a warning for all you people who are planning a wedding. THE WEDDING IS NOT ABOUT YOU! You may think it is. But it is not. It is about your family. And whatever they want is what is going to happen. Especially if they pay for it.
What does this mean? It means there will be tons of people at your wedding that you have never met. And that your parents will invite people to YOUR wedding without even telling you.

Consider yourself warned.

Ok, so that was a little bitter of me. But, let's face it, it's pretty accurate. It's amazing how people get offended by not being invited to your wedding. Even if they haven't spoken to you for five years. And don't particularly like you.

These invitations are officially the bane of my existence. I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. Can I get a volunteer to take over in this particular area? I'll let you do the seating chart. And I promise I won't say anything if you put my mother next to my bridesmaid's boyfriend's cousin. Or whatever.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I did it!

I finished stuffing, sealing, addressing, return addressing and stamping all the invitations (I won't even discuss all the different stamp combinations I had to master to send invitations to Germany, Canada, England and Colombia among other places. Now I can say that I have seen 61 cent stamps! As well as 17 cents, 4 cents, 3 cents, 72 cents and $1. What I want to know is who is the dude that comes up with the amounts that stamps should come in? I mean, 61cents?!? What can I do with 61 cents? Seriously, is this just to make my life harder? Because of this man's genius - and, yes, I do think it was a man that came up with this - most of the invitations have 3 stamps on them. Those lucky people who live abroad have up to 5!! Luckily the envelope is really big. Otherwise they wouldn't all fit. But I digress.)
YES the invitations are out! So look for yours in the mail soon!
I kept shoving them into the mail slot in our building. They're really big! So I shoved as many as I could in there until there was no space for anything else and then I came back the next day and did the same thing!
So I did it yesterday morning and then, assuming that the mail had already been taken, I went back yesterday late afternoon. The mailman was there at the time. I saw his cart but not him. Bingo! I'm going to give him this last batch and then all of them will go out today! I hunted around for a minute and found him chillin' on one of the chairs in the lobby. Seriously. I'll refrain from commenting. Anyway, I put on my sweetest smile and ask him if he would take the rest of my invitations (the 35 I was holding in my hand). He looked at me, incredulously, and said, "How many of those you got?!"
My sentiments exactly!
I assured him this was the last batch. He took them begrudgingly and I skipped off, free from the burden of my invitations.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


We finally got the invitations. It's been a long time coming. We've been looking at invitations since December! And our invitation company was a little bit of a nightmare. They're located in Bombay. Everything is slower over there. And then they had to send them here. They were supposed to get here last weekend. But, whatever, they are here and that's all the matters.

There is one other thing: They don't really look anything like what I thought they were going to look like!
The company sent us a photograph about three weeks ago (now displayed on the right side of this blog entry). I loved the invitation in the photograph. The invitations we got don't look like that. They're nice, don't get me wrong, but I was really surprise to get 150 invitations that I'd never seen before! It was pretty hilarious.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I feel pretty...oh so pretty!

Well, not yet, but soon! Ladies and gentlemen I have finally booked a hair and makeup person. Well, I'm going to try her out in a couple weeks, but I've heard very good things about her. My wedding planner used her for her wedding! I think that's a good sign.
So Walker and I are heading to DC for a marathon wedding weekend soon. We're doing cake, caterer, alcohol, makeup you name it. And then when we get back the invitations will have arrived (FINALLY! Do yourself a favor, when you get married, don't have your invitations made in India. Yes, the pricing is very reasonable, but it's just not worth it. Because instead of taking two days to do something, it takes two WEEKS! And that ain't cool. Thank goodness for Gobind Nankani! Without his persistence, at this point, I'd probably be frantically scribbling invitations on construction paper with a crayon)
And then we're going to labeling invitations like its our job. And then he's off to Martha's Vineyard for a show! And I will already be in rehearsal for my show so it only gets more complicated from here!
By the way, I'm signing up volunteers if anyone is interested.
At least the bachelorette party is soon. Less than a month away!
And I think for our honeymoon we are going to Athens and some Greek Islands so I have that to look forward to too!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Getting going

So, we haven't really done ANYTHING in the last few weeks. I don't know why. Burnout maybe?
But we're trying to get back on the bandwagon.
We registered!
At Macy's and Crate and Barrel.
It's so funny. I was agonizing about where to register - can't be too expensive, must have stuff we like, etc. And then I realized that all the stores have more or less the same stuff! And all the stores charge more or less the same price (well, except for Bloomingdale's. That place is expensive.)
So next thing I know I'm picking china. CHINA. That was weird. And who knew there were so many different patterns? And who knew that Vera Wang and Kate Spade china patterns. Oh the things you learn when you get married!
So the only thing we can't decide on is whether to register for a Kindle. I want to do it it! Walker does not. Because he thinks we can't register for two and if we only have one I'll hog it all the time. Which is absolutely true. :)
We're also getting close to signing a contract with the caterer (gulp!) and I'm finally going to DC to figure out who on earth is going to do my hair and makeup.
And then, of course, we are now talking about the honeymoon!
And I am talking comments, suggestions and the like on this particular topic.
We're currently talking about Greece, Cyprus or Santorini.
We want a beach and some culture. And preferably we'd like to go to a place that neither of us have been to before - which is actually the hardest condition to satisfy since Walker and I have both traveled so much!
I think the sooner we get the honeymoon planned the better. That way when we get stressed out, which WILL happen, we can resort to a honeymoon mantra: "the beach in Greece, the beach in Greece, the beach in Greece!" for example. Ahhhh! I can feel myself relaxing already!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

No Pictures...PLEASE!

Oh, dear reader, there are so many things I long to show you.
Like, for instance, what my invitations, which are being made in Bombay, will most probably look like.
But then would I be spoiling the surprise? Probably.
So, dear reader, you will just have to wait.

That is also why I refrained from writing when I was in India. I can't very well tell you about my dress(s). Let alone show them to you! And I probably shouldn't even tell you about the bangles (oh the bangles! definitely my favorite accessories. all the colors that match your dress perfectly and raise them to the next level of trendiness. ahhh!) or the jewelry for that matter. Or the shoes. You see how difficult this is?!?

Anyway, it's been pretty quiet on the wedding front since we got back from India. Because we were a) jetlagged like crazy and b) completely wedding-ed out. Why, you might ask?
Because we spent pretty much each and every day shopping our little butts off. Yes, the morning were relatively lackadaisical, but once late morning hit we were off and running: malls, boutiques, shoe stores, you get the idea.
Lunches consisted of a spicy chicken frankie (yum!!) grabbed from a sidewalk stall (thank the LORD we didn't get sick!). We even went to McDonalds one day. Mostly because I wanted to see what McDonald's in India is like. Needless to say it is VERY DIFFERENT!
First of all there is no beef. Cows are sacred, don't ya know? So if you want meat, I would recommend a lamb burger or perhaps the chicken masala burger. For those of you who are vegetarian, there is a veggie burger (which is nothing like veggie burgers in the states! They are fried!) But my personal favorite was actually the fish sandwich. (I know, gross, right? Not really. It's also fried. But what isn't in India?)

And our dinners were always amazing! Bombay is on the water, so there is a lot of wonderful, fresh seafood to be had. And we did. Every night. I kid you not.
The best places were the places that served seafood in a hydrabadi style. Fresh crab meat and prawns in spicy sauces. (Now when I say spicy I don't mean it in the lame American sense of the word. I mean it in the Indian sense, which means after the meal you have little to no feeling in your tongue. Yeaaaaaah!)
I was really bored with the food here when I got back.

Anyway, we're getting back in the swing of things now. Finalizing the dinner menu, working on music (I'm still waiting for requests). And does anyone know a good hair and makeup place in DC or MD?
I actually had this awful dream the other day that it was my wedding day and I was all dressed up to the nines with the shoes and jewelry and everything. Only I had forgotten to book someone for hair and makeup so I had no makeup on and my hair was an absolutely mess. So I threw my hair in a bun (there were flyaways everywhere) and pinched my cheeks for some color (unfortunately that doesn't really work for people with darker complexions) and went and got married. And I was so embarrassed! And they took like a million pictures of my hair looking like a bird nest.
And the dream was so vivid that when I woke up it took me a second to realize that I wasn't married and that my wedding had not taken place yet.
So, anyway, yeah, if you know of a good place for hair and makeup, I would seriously appreciate the info.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Three years

My goodness. Has it really been that long?! Yes, indeed. On April 2nd Walker and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary!!

Well, strictly speaking that's not entirely true. It went more like this:

On April 2nd we both FORGOT our anniversary.

On April 5th Walker remembered that our anniversary had been 3 days before and reminded me, to which I respnded, 'REALLY?! Oh yeah!'

On April 7th we decided we should actually celebrate it somehow.

And finally, this morning, we looked out at the pouring rain ands decided that today was the day. So we're off the ny aquarium and then to Prairie Home Companion and maybe some live music at BAM afterwards. Who knows...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

India again, for the first time

So, I'm back in India!
And this time Walker's with me. His first time in India. Too bad we're going to be shopping most of the time. And jetlagged the rest of the time.

We took a flight through the United Arab Emirates on the way here. And I realized that all the traveling, I've ever done, I have never had a layover in the Middle East. Ok, that's not entirely true. I did stop in Dubai once, but it was the middle of the night, the airport was empty and I was there for like 2 seconds, so that doesn't count.
Anyway, when we were landing, it was incredible. You see pictures and you read about it, but it's different from actually seeing it: desert. As far as the eye can see. (In one direction, anyway.)
UAE is really trying to boost their tourism trade. There were countless ads for UAE tourism on the plane. There was one magazine that was devoted to just that in its entirety! And they're opening a Guggenheim and a Louvre there too. Each gets it's own separate island. In case you don't find the rest of it enticing enough.

We were at the airport in Abu Dhabi for about 3 hours. It's a gorgeous airport. But it's a little bit like a giant shopping mall from which you just happen to be able to catch a plane.
Walker and I sat down at a coffee shop to kill the time. We got a couple of cups of coffee and some water. Which we later found out came to about $18.
Say what?!
My honeymoon with the UAE was over right then and there.

On to Delhi.

Last time I was here it was so cold. I had to walk around my parents apartment bundled up. We would huddle around the space heater every morning and every night. Not now! It's like 90 degrees. The minute I got off the plane I started sweating. Ahh! That's the India I know and love. All this was made all the more humorous because it was SNOWING when we took off from NYC.

Walker and I were remarkably well rested seeing as we had not slept that much. (I watched 5 movies on the plane. One of the movies I watched, The Sentinel, I didn't realize until about 2/3 of the way through the movie that I had seen it before. Not very memorable, that one. I do, however, highly recommend Madagascar 2. So funny!!) So my parents picked us up and took us home to freshen up. And then we went to this restaurant that they had promised to take me to during my last trip, but we hadn't been able to go - a place famous for their southern seafood dishes.
Next thing I know the waiters are tying bibs on us and we're elbow deep in lovely, spicy crab. Crunching it, cracking it, chewing it. It was cooked in a cocomut curry sauce. Yummy! And these crabs were HUGE. They brought a live one to the table before we ordered (which almost made my mom order vegetarian instead, but she resisted). That thing was bigger than a football (for lack of a better analogy...I guess it was close in size to a large dictionary, but I don't see how that makes things any clearer, so I'm ready to move on.) Move over Maryland! Mmm, I'm getting hungry now just thinking about it! Luckily there are leftover in the fridge and I am not above eating them at 7:07 in the morning (mostly because it's like 5pm on the east coast right now). I got crab all over the wall and the table and Walker got crab all over his face, but my parents were pretty much pros.
The perfect meal to end the day.
We all went home and Walker and I passed out.
And the next day...we went to McDonald's. Lol!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yummy in my Tummy!

We had our big tasting with our caterer in DC last Friday. It was mmm mmm good!!
I'm so excited about that food. Which is funny, because historically (including in this very blog) I have railed against wedding caterers. Who remembers the food at weddings anyway?!?, I have been known to shout from the rooftops.
Who'll remember the food? I'LL REMEMBER THE FOOD!!
It's going to be very light and summery, which I think will be really nice. I don't want to give too much away, but one of the hors d'oeuvres we are most probably going to serve is a watermelon gazpacho (in a shot glass). How can you NOT get excited about that?! Not to mention, it was utterly delectable!

We also met with a videographer when we were in dc. I have to say, I'm not convinced. I mean, yeah, it'll be nice to have the ceremony on dvd for prosperity, etc. but I have yet to see a video that actually looks good. I mean, why do all wedding videos look like they were taken on a handheld camcorder by your 15 year old cousin?! I ask you!!
Not to mention, do you know how much a videographer COSTS? I just don't see how it is worth it. I mean, I'm gonna keep looking for the meantime - I'm sure in 40 years when I can't remember Michael's sermon I'll be kicking myself - but for right now, if anyone has anything overwhelmingly positive to say about wedding videography I'd really like to hear it!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The search is over...

Well, I've picked my bridesmaids dresses!!
I'm so excited to have that over with. It was really stressing me out. Because it can take up to like 14 weeks for the dresses to even arrive! Not to mention if you have to have alterations done etc. So it's a major load off my mind that the ladies will be ordering their dresses next weekend. And it's an added bonus that they all like the dresses. Now that is unheard of!
They are gorgeous. I actually wanted to try on a couple myself this morning. Thankfully, I restrained myself.
They color is really lovely too. I haven't seen anything that hue in any other store (it's called "cerise" and it actually looks good on everyone. Hallelujah I say!!
Well, I'm guessing it looks good on Abby. She was at the store too this morning...on my computer screen. So I never got to actually see her in any of the dresses, but I think it'll look good on her.
Yep, we were skyping. At the store. It was nothing short of insane. And hilarious.
All the other people trying on dresses there thought it was a combination of really cool and down right ridiculous. But I was having a blast and Abby was cracking me up! While the ladies were trying on dresses she got out an old bridesmaid dress of hers to join in the fun. And when we were talking about what type of bra would go with a certain dress, she ran to get a bra that she thought would work and held it up to the camera so we could all see.
Meanwhile, Meena, Sonali and Christine were trying on dresses and taking pictures of each other. I was zipping up dresses, holding up dresses so Abby could see them and and holding the computer up so Abby could see it when one of the ladies tried on a dress. Meanwhile, Abby was commenting on dresses and she even gave us a tour of her apartment! (Which, by the way, is pretty rockin')
It was totally CRAZY!!!
I'm sure the Wedding Library did not have this in mind when the invested in wireless...

Monday, March 2, 2009


I was thinking, for about 3 seconds, about writing my vows. But the thought terrified me. Where do you even begin writing vows, you know? I'm sure Walker's would be beautiful and mine would be totally lame.
So, luckily, there are tons and tons of vows online, so we did some research and spliced a few of them together and came up with our own. (Thank goodness!)
We also have a tasting coming up. I can't wait! I'm pretty sure this will be my most favorite part of the planning process. We were told to go hungry. Very hungry. I'm planning not to eat for a day beforehand. I've asked to taste like 6 different cakes. Woohoo!!

So, seriously, people; I want music suggestions for the reception. Bring it. I'm even down with Kool n' the gang. ;)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not again!

i think i'd rather eat split pea soup everyday for the rest of my life than look at another bridesmaid dress.
Is it like some sort of rule that bridesmaids dresses have to be ugly and really really ridiculously expensive?
and that the places that sell bridesmaid dresses have to be really really ridiculously far away from, I don't know, say EVERYTHING!
I was on east 78th looking at dresses today. EAST 78TH! I'm sorry, but I have no business being on east 78th. Apparently I have no idea how to navigate the east side. Who's stupid idea was it to stick lexington, park and madison between the numbered avenues, huh? That is a constant source of confusion for me. You know why? CAUSE I NEVER GO TO THE EAST SIDE!
Needless to say I was there today. It's like a whole other world over there. Dare I say it's cleaner?
Anyway, I looked at MORE bridesmaids dresses and I changed my mind AGAIN about what I'm interested in. I've given up on getting dresses that my bridesmaids will wear again. I hate to break it to you all, but there's no such thing. So right now, I'm just trying not to have them look ugly, matronly or bridesmaidsy and I'm trying to keep the price down (hah! fat chance!) Although I will tell you that a lot of places will give you a 10% discount on each dress if you have 5 or more bridesmaids so when you're picking your bridemaids more is definitely better :-)
Ok, now I'm going to go look at the only think that irks me more than these dresses...caterers. Lord, help me!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We Picked a DJ!

Music is very important. More important than food. (Even though food at a wedding costs an arm and a leg. What's up with that?!?!)
Anyway, back to the food and music thing...think about it. Wouldn't you rather boogie down all night long than stuff your face?
I certainly would. Although the right bowl of pasta would make me think twice.
Oh goodness, what am I talking about? The point is I am SOOOO happy that we have finally chosen a dj! It was a hard choice. Our wedding planner is top o' the line so she suggested two really great companies, but we're going with this place called Ok, it's not the greatest name in the world. But our dj is indian, (hiw name is Soor Kothari, you can see a picture of him here) which just makes me happy for no particular reason. And he knows all the cool indian music, which makes me happy because I am indian and I DO NOT! So if you have any indian music requests, lemme know. BHANGRA NOW!

p.s. I am now officially taking song requests. Just comment on this (or any) blog entry with your ideas!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Did you know...?

Did you know that through some glitch or other over 50% of couples do not actually get legally married on their wedding day?
How much you wanna bet that's gonna happen to me?

DC Weekend

So Walker and I are going to DC this weekend/next week to do some wedding stuff. How dare you even think that our timing has anything to do with our 44th president being sworn in this Tuesday? That's just a coincidence.
I swear.
Actually, part of the reason we're going is that Walker has never actually seen the location where we are getting married. And I thought it wise to rectify that situation.
We're also meeting with the wedding planner. And that's all I'll say about that. I am not allowed to discuss her various strengths and weaknesses online as per the contract. I kid you not.

We were actually able to secure rooms at the Bethesda Hyatt, which is exciting. It's a snail's pace we're moving at but I'll take what I can get. I mean, there may not be any food and there may not be any music, but at least I'll be wearing a gorgeous Indian-made outfit. Again, I kid you not.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dress Shopping!

So I did a little bit of bridesmaid dress shopping yesterday morning.
It was kind of impromptu. I was waitlisted at some places that ended up having time free, so at 10am Sonali, Meena and I found ourselves at Simple Silhouettes in Manhattan. (Actually, more accurately, Sonali found herself there at 9:45am, Meena around 10 and me around 10:07.)
It was loads of fun. Mainly because we sat on a couch and told the lady what styles and colors we were interested in and she brought them to us. It was the most painless shopping I have ever done!!
I haven't narrowed it down to one color yet, but I've nailed down the family. And Sonali and Meena have a good idea of the cuts they like. We were there for like 45 minutes. In and out.
Then we went to Jenny Yoo. And that was like the most painFUL shopping I've ever done. Talk about disorganized.
The woman who was "helping" us, was nowhere to be found most of the time. And there was a group across from us that must have had like 12 bridesmaids because there were a million people trying on dresses and all the dresses that we wanted to try on were always "in the other dressing room".
I asked the woman what styles she could suggest. She barely answered my question. They didn't have enough sizes of anything, so there were a ton of things Sonali and Meena simply couldn't try on. I liked a few of the dresses there. I think they may have had better colors, but I can't even deal with trying to process that whole shopping trip because I was so unbelievably frustrated by it. Shake it out. Let it gooooo!
Anyway, I'll post the colors I'm looking at for the bridesmaid dresses soon!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I am more than pleased to announce that we officially have an officiant for our (Western) wedding. My very close friend Michael Rohd will have the honor!
I have known Michael FOREVER. And I'm so excited by the prospect of having him be a central part of the ceremony. I'm totally excited.
Now we just have to figure out how to make it legal for him to do a ceremony in Maryland and what the structure of the ceremony will be.
But for now, I'm just going to be happy about this one thing and let the rest go.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Lehnga pics

For those of you who don't know what a lehnga (traditional indian wedding outfit for the bride), here is what one looks like! Of course, this isn't nearly fancy enough for a bride to wear, but this is style.