Saturday, December 27, 2008

A little wedding humor...

You've got to check out this video that Walker found. It's horrifying and hilarious in the same breath.

So my crazy trip to India is coming to a close. We got A LOT done. I am on my way to getting both my wedding outfits and my reception outfits and a couple extra outfits as well. I'll probably order them all at the end of January after I get my swatches.

And I had a late night skype session with Walker and my wedding planner last night and it was really helpful! (Her first client skype session ever!) I mean it was midnight my time and we were on the phone til about 3am and I had basically just stepped into the apartment after getting off a plane that had been delayed for four hours. But, you know, it was really helpful!

She's doing "partial consulting" with us, so we don't get off scott free on the work, but there will be a lot less aimless searching going on and she her company is totally into being green, so we've been talking about taking the leftover food to a homeless shelter and the leftover flowers to a nursing home, which kind of rocks my world.

Also, she's totally going above and beyond in helping us with the caterer (for those of you who don't know yet, that usually ends up being 50-60% of your budget. FOOD! Do you remember any food that you've ever eaten at a wedding. I have not. You know what that means, right? That means I've never particularly LIKED the food at any wedding, otherwise I WOULD HAVE remembered it. Which is why this whole catering thing is like a big ole thorn in my eye, which, by the way, is way more painful than a thorn in your side. But I digress..) The only thing I'm excited about with this whole catering thing is going to tastings. Mmmm. Free food. Free cake. Mmmm!!!

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