Friday, December 5, 2008

Date change

This is insane. Every time I think I've gotten something down, I don't. It changes.
From what I understand weddings are like this. But the type A in me is freaking out!!
Ok, remember how we changed the wedding location from Martha's Vineyard to DC? Well, now we're changing the date too.
Forget about September. It's all about July. 25th that is.
I hope you're all ready for hot fun in the summertime.
The wedding venue I fell in love with was not available at all in September. So I was considering October 3rd, which they did have free. I didn't put a hold on it because I was told that in order to do that, you had to put down a fairly large deposit. Turns out the woman who told me that had NO IDEA WHAT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT. And by the time I took my mother to see the place, oct 3rd was taken. I was devastated when the even coordinator told me. I had to sit down. Luckily I was able to hold my tears until I got back into my car. I didn't know who this woman was who had stolen my date right out from under me, but I did not like her ONE BIT!
We have July 25th free, she said, by way of consolation. Please!! I thought.
And then I realized it would be warm. The sun would set at like 8:30pm so we could frolic around the beautiful grounds for a couple of hours after the wedding. I mean, it's an outdoor venue. What would be the point if it were too dark to enjoy the place?
So July 25th it is.
Irony of ironies, I got a call this morning from the even coordinator. The woman who had put a hold on October 3rd now wanted MY date, so I had to decided by the end of the day whether to book it or let it go. BOOK IT, BABY.
Ahhhh, revenge is sweet.
stay tuned for pictures of my wedding venue....

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