Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wedding Dress?

So Eyan and I are thinking of going a little more chic with the wedding dress. Something like, I don't know...this?! Of course it would be white. Well, off-white. :)
And it would have straps. Eyan won't let me have a strapless dress. haha! or maybe a cute little short jacket. ya know?
i'm gonna be the hippest bride ever!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So, we're on hiatus until I get back to New York (IN EXACTLY ONE WEEK!!!) Don't ever try to plan a wedding when you're fiance is 3000 miles away. It's impossible. Believe me. I've tried. :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Never ye fear

Don't worry! I haven't forgotten about the blog! I was just out of town in Portland for a few days. Had a blast. But as a result, I haven't thought about the wedding at all. But rest assured - there will be more (much more) very soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wishy Washy

Are all couples this wishy-washy when it comes to planning a wedding?!
As long as we have been working on it, I can't say with any certainty where the wedding is going to be or when it is going to be. I mean, the main thing is that we don't want to blow our budget. That's normal enough. Well, it seems that the best ways to save money is to cut your guest list (which we have recently done by 50 people!) and to have your wedding in the off-season. This is a little more difficult because the off-season is the off-season for a reason, you know? Who wants to get married in January?
Certainly not I!
And apparently September is not the off-season (not in Martha's Vineyard or DC anyway). October is the off-season on Martha's Vineyard (of course! because you can't sail or hike or go to the beach, which is the whole point of being on Martha's Vineyard!). But it is not the off-season in DC because it is still pleasant there in October.
So! Save money and wed in a crappy cold season or pay and arm and a leg so that neither you nor your guest have perpetual goosebumps and have to tread through the snow. Hmm. That's a tough one.
Anyway, I think we're still leaning toward Martha's Vineyard. I mean, it's special you know?! And for the reasons I've outlined above moving it to Oct would not be preferable. So the other day I thought, "Why don't we have it in April instead!?!" Brilliant idea. Then we'd have 6 months to plan it instead of 11.
You see what I mean? Wishy washy!
And then we get to the ceremonies. Obviously two ceremonies is more costly than one. So do we just have one? And then if we do, will it be the indian one? or the western one. You see where I'm going with this?!
I think though that now that we're closer to a budget, we'll be able to divvy things up according to our priorities. That should help. I hope!
Anyway, my friend Chris and I tried on some wedding dresses today just for fun. All the dresses at the Ashland Bridal Shop were like size 12 or 16, so please keep that in mind and use your imagination! Anyway, the picture up top was my favorite dress that I tried on.
That being said, I think I've narrowed down a style I like (or rather, I like that style before and now I have confirmation!) V-neck, cinched waste (possibly with ruching). Eyan suggested a short dress. I'm gunning for a long one. But I have to say I saw some cute short ones in a catalogue today, so I could be persuaded otherwise. Mind you, we're not talking short short. We're talking below the knee.
Ok, that's all for today!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Married Life

My friend Gabe just got married this past August. I emailed her the other day to ask her how married life was treating her and her response was so sweet that I wanted to share it with all of you. She said:
"Married life is FUN! You get to have a slumber party with your best friend every night and no one has to pack an overnight bag."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Talk about a Wedding!

Are you a fan of breathtakingly beautiful indian weddings?
Well, then you've got to check this one out!

I can only begin to imagine how much this wedding actually cost!

My Maid of Honor

So, my sister visited me in Ashland this weekend. And thank goodness for her. In typical girly sister style, we went shopping and as we combed through rack after rack of clothing, hats, purses and shoes, we talked shop. My sister has been to like 12 weddings in the last 4 years and she imparted her wisdom upon me. Ceremonies, receptions, brunchs, you name it! She was at a wedding just last weekend! Very helpful, indeed. Though I may be changing the structure of the wedding yet again. More on that if it actually comes to fruition.
And while she was here, she was able to meet Eyan, who will be clothing her for the ceremony, so that made me happy too. And I'm so glad they were able to bond over making fun of a certain halter top wedding dress I had briefly been interested in. Listen, everyone makes mistakes, alright?!?
Walker and I, for convenience sake, have also decided to explore the option of having the wedding in dc. Weddings are expensive and it's cheaper there, we're all for it. They funny thing is, it may very well not be! Hotels are less expensive. Reception locations are more. Much much more.
After all the comparing I've been doing, after this is all done, I might quit being an actor and become a wedding planner.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What to wear?

I started looking at possible wedding dresses today. I'm still very far from buying one. Although, frankly, I'd like to get it over with right now! But see the pictures below for my top three wedding dresses (for the moment!) for the Western wedding.

It's funny. There's a lot of waiting when it comes to weddings. My inclination is to do, do, do. But there is a certain amount of patience involved. Waiting for people to get back to you. Booking things in the right order (as opposed to everything at once).
Waiting for the priest get back from vacation so you can ask him a couple of questions.
I'm not very patient, so this is a true test for me. Plus I'm on the opposite coast from all the action, so that doesn't help either. If it weren't for Walker, who, by the way is very patient, I would have exploded about a week ago.

Anyway, we booked the church, Grace Episcopal Church, on Martha's Vineyard. Which means, we now also have a date! The Saturday before Labor day: September 5, 2009.
I am totally tickled by the fact that we have to have 3 counseling sessions with the priest before we can get married there! And at least one of us has to have been baptized. (Luckily, we both have, though, technically, I'm Hindu. It's a little confusing, I know.)

And we're currently working on the location for the Indian wedding. It's a private club, so the woman wouldn't even talk to us without a referral. Thank goodness for The Lewises. Walker's parents came to the rescue on that one and a friend of theirs vouched for us.

There are so many little loops to jump through. So far, I'm finding it really fun. And it so exciting when something actually pans out!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Bridesmaids, baby!

I'm so excited! I have officially asked all my bridesmaids and they have all accepted! Meena is going to be my maid of honor, what are twin sisters for if not for that?! And my bridesmaids are Sonali, Christine and Abby. And you will be happy to know, girls, that Eyan and I did a lot of work on the bridesmaids dresses today. We went to a fabric store and got swatches galore! Loni Anderson of WKRP and Cincinnati fame was in attendance as well. She was ahead of me in line TAKING FOREVER!
Anyway, Eyan and I got some fantastic swatches as inspiration for the bridesmaid dresses. We also got some fabric for a cocktail dress for me for the rehearsal dinner and something for the brunch Sunday morning (assuming we end up having one!) I'm not going to post pictures of those, though, you'll have to wait and be surprised! But I tell you what, it is going to be one funky wedding. Well, don't take my word for it! Check out Walker's possible suit and pictures of the some of the swatches below.
Again, this is all just for the western wedding, which is going to be in the morning.
We haven't started working on the indian wedding yet, but we did come up with a possible color scheme. You can check that out below as well.
It feels so nice to be getting things moving!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So I told Meena she was going to be my maid on honor on Monday. Unfortunately for her she doesn't have a choice. :-)
Then Tuesday afternoon, Christine called me. For once in both of our busy lives we were both free, so I popped the question, "Will you be my bridesmaid?" She said yes! And she'll be going shopping with me when I get back to New York. Hurrah! Because let's face it: no one likes to go shopping alone.
A couple hour later, before being dragged to the world's worst movie "Nights of Rondanthe", I popped the question to Sonali. She said yes too. Hallelujah. She's psyched to see Martha's Vineyard for the first time. And she's writing down all her ideas for the wedding. She will share them with me upon my return.
Great, so 3 down, 1 to go!

Guest List

So, one of the first thing you gotta get done is your guest list. Without our guest list, how are going to figure out your budget?! And how big the location has to be. And how much food and liquor to serve. You get the idea.
Now our guest list has been growing by the second. We started out with 120. That was what we were aiming for.
Then Walker and I actually wrote down some names. Of course, I had like 20 more than he did and that was after paring down a fair amount. So next thing I know we're at 140. Last night I spoke to my parents and I forgot two family members (oops!) and my parents also want to add another 20 or so people, work friends, to my guest list. Ok, so we're at 160 then. And then Walker told me that his parents want to add some people too, naturally. So the long and short of it is I have no idea how many people are going to be at our wedding.
But I'm meeting with Eyan tomorrow, so at the very least, in 12.5 hours, I will have some idea of what the bridal party will be wearing! I can't wait!