Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Down to the wire

There's nothing worse than logging onto your wedding website, glancing at the corner of the screen and seeing that horrid sentence: 24 days til your wedding. TWENTY FOUR.
And if I log on tomorrow (which I most certainly will NOT), it'll tell me that i have 23 days until my wedding.
HOW, I ask you, AM I SUPPOSED TO CONTINUE LIVING IN DENIAL while this horrific count down persists?
It's impossible, I tell you. And, perhaps, that is the point.

It was all pretty chill for a while there. All of that is over. OVER!
Not to mention I'm still doing a show...until the 19th.
And to make matters even worse, my body has chosen this moment to come down with a cold.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


This is a warning for all you people who are planning a wedding. THE WEDDING IS NOT ABOUT YOU! You may think it is. But it is not. It is about your family. And whatever they want is what is going to happen. Especially if they pay for it.
What does this mean? It means there will be tons of people at your wedding that you have never met. And that your parents will invite people to YOUR wedding without even telling you.

Consider yourself warned.

Ok, so that was a little bitter of me. But, let's face it, it's pretty accurate. It's amazing how people get offended by not being invited to your wedding. Even if they haven't spoken to you for five years. And don't particularly like you.

These invitations are officially the bane of my existence. I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. Can I get a volunteer to take over in this particular area? I'll let you do the seating chart. And I promise I won't say anything if you put my mother next to my bridesmaid's boyfriend's cousin. Or whatever.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I did it!

I finished stuffing, sealing, addressing, return addressing and stamping all the invitations (I won't even discuss all the different stamp combinations I had to master to send invitations to Germany, Canada, England and Colombia among other places. Now I can say that I have seen 61 cent stamps! As well as 17 cents, 4 cents, 3 cents, 72 cents and $1. What I want to know is who is the dude that comes up with the amounts that stamps should come in? I mean, 61cents?!? What can I do with 61 cents? Seriously, is this just to make my life harder? Because of this man's genius - and, yes, I do think it was a man that came up with this - most of the invitations have 3 stamps on them. Those lucky people who live abroad have up to 5!! Luckily the envelope is really big. Otherwise they wouldn't all fit. But I digress.)
YES the invitations are out! So look for yours in the mail soon!
I kept shoving them into the mail slot in our building. They're really big! So I shoved as many as I could in there until there was no space for anything else and then I came back the next day and did the same thing!
So I did it yesterday morning and then, assuming that the mail had already been taken, I went back yesterday late afternoon. The mailman was there at the time. I saw his cart but not him. Bingo! I'm going to give him this last batch and then all of them will go out today! I hunted around for a minute and found him chillin' on one of the chairs in the lobby. Seriously. I'll refrain from commenting. Anyway, I put on my sweetest smile and ask him if he would take the rest of my invitations (the 35 I was holding in my hand). He looked at me, incredulously, and said, "How many of those you got?!"
My sentiments exactly!
I assured him this was the last batch. He took them begrudgingly and I skipped off, free from the burden of my invitations.