Saturday, March 21, 2009

India again, for the first time

So, I'm back in India!
And this time Walker's with me. His first time in India. Too bad we're going to be shopping most of the time. And jetlagged the rest of the time.

We took a flight through the United Arab Emirates on the way here. And I realized that all the traveling, I've ever done, I have never had a layover in the Middle East. Ok, that's not entirely true. I did stop in Dubai once, but it was the middle of the night, the airport was empty and I was there for like 2 seconds, so that doesn't count.
Anyway, when we were landing, it was incredible. You see pictures and you read about it, but it's different from actually seeing it: desert. As far as the eye can see. (In one direction, anyway.)
UAE is really trying to boost their tourism trade. There were countless ads for UAE tourism on the plane. There was one magazine that was devoted to just that in its entirety! And they're opening a Guggenheim and a Louvre there too. Each gets it's own separate island. In case you don't find the rest of it enticing enough.

We were at the airport in Abu Dhabi for about 3 hours. It's a gorgeous airport. But it's a little bit like a giant shopping mall from which you just happen to be able to catch a plane.
Walker and I sat down at a coffee shop to kill the time. We got a couple of cups of coffee and some water. Which we later found out came to about $18.
Say what?!
My honeymoon with the UAE was over right then and there.

On to Delhi.

Last time I was here it was so cold. I had to walk around my parents apartment bundled up. We would huddle around the space heater every morning and every night. Not now! It's like 90 degrees. The minute I got off the plane I started sweating. Ahh! That's the India I know and love. All this was made all the more humorous because it was SNOWING when we took off from NYC.

Walker and I were remarkably well rested seeing as we had not slept that much. (I watched 5 movies on the plane. One of the movies I watched, The Sentinel, I didn't realize until about 2/3 of the way through the movie that I had seen it before. Not very memorable, that one. I do, however, highly recommend Madagascar 2. So funny!!) So my parents picked us up and took us home to freshen up. And then we went to this restaurant that they had promised to take me to during my last trip, but we hadn't been able to go - a place famous for their southern seafood dishes.
Next thing I know the waiters are tying bibs on us and we're elbow deep in lovely, spicy crab. Crunching it, cracking it, chewing it. It was cooked in a cocomut curry sauce. Yummy! And these crabs were HUGE. They brought a live one to the table before we ordered (which almost made my mom order vegetarian instead, but she resisted). That thing was bigger than a football (for lack of a better analogy...I guess it was close in size to a large dictionary, but I don't see how that makes things any clearer, so I'm ready to move on.) Move over Maryland! Mmm, I'm getting hungry now just thinking about it! Luckily there are leftover in the fridge and I am not above eating them at 7:07 in the morning (mostly because it's like 5pm on the east coast right now). I got crab all over the wall and the table and Walker got crab all over his face, but my parents were pretty much pros.
The perfect meal to end the day.
We all went home and Walker and I passed out.
And the next day...we went to McDonald's. Lol!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yummy in my Tummy!

We had our big tasting with our caterer in DC last Friday. It was mmm mmm good!!
I'm so excited about that food. Which is funny, because historically (including in this very blog) I have railed against wedding caterers. Who remembers the food at weddings anyway?!?, I have been known to shout from the rooftops.
Who'll remember the food? I'LL REMEMBER THE FOOD!!
It's going to be very light and summery, which I think will be really nice. I don't want to give too much away, but one of the hors d'oeuvres we are most probably going to serve is a watermelon gazpacho (in a shot glass). How can you NOT get excited about that?! Not to mention, it was utterly delectable!

We also met with a videographer when we were in dc. I have to say, I'm not convinced. I mean, yeah, it'll be nice to have the ceremony on dvd for prosperity, etc. but I have yet to see a video that actually looks good. I mean, why do all wedding videos look like they were taken on a handheld camcorder by your 15 year old cousin?! I ask you!!
Not to mention, do you know how much a videographer COSTS? I just don't see how it is worth it. I mean, I'm gonna keep looking for the meantime - I'm sure in 40 years when I can't remember Michael's sermon I'll be kicking myself - but for right now, if anyone has anything overwhelmingly positive to say about wedding videography I'd really like to hear it!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The search is over...

Well, I've picked my bridesmaids dresses!!
I'm so excited to have that over with. It was really stressing me out. Because it can take up to like 14 weeks for the dresses to even arrive! Not to mention if you have to have alterations done etc. So it's a major load off my mind that the ladies will be ordering their dresses next weekend. And it's an added bonus that they all like the dresses. Now that is unheard of!
They are gorgeous. I actually wanted to try on a couple myself this morning. Thankfully, I restrained myself.
They color is really lovely too. I haven't seen anything that hue in any other store (it's called "cerise" and it actually looks good on everyone. Hallelujah I say!!
Well, I'm guessing it looks good on Abby. She was at the store too this morning...on my computer screen. So I never got to actually see her in any of the dresses, but I think it'll look good on her.
Yep, we were skyping. At the store. It was nothing short of insane. And hilarious.
All the other people trying on dresses there thought it was a combination of really cool and down right ridiculous. But I was having a blast and Abby was cracking me up! While the ladies were trying on dresses she got out an old bridesmaid dress of hers to join in the fun. And when we were talking about what type of bra would go with a certain dress, she ran to get a bra that she thought would work and held it up to the camera so we could all see.
Meanwhile, Meena, Sonali and Christine were trying on dresses and taking pictures of each other. I was zipping up dresses, holding up dresses so Abby could see them and and holding the computer up so Abby could see it when one of the ladies tried on a dress. Meanwhile, Abby was commenting on dresses and she even gave us a tour of her apartment! (Which, by the way, is pretty rockin')
It was totally CRAZY!!!
I'm sure the Wedding Library did not have this in mind when the invested in wireless...

Monday, March 2, 2009


I was thinking, for about 3 seconds, about writing my vows. But the thought terrified me. Where do you even begin writing vows, you know? I'm sure Walker's would be beautiful and mine would be totally lame.
So, luckily, there are tons and tons of vows online, so we did some research and spliced a few of them together and came up with our own. (Thank goodness!)
We also have a tasting coming up. I can't wait! I'm pretty sure this will be my most favorite part of the planning process. We were told to go hungry. Very hungry. I'm planning not to eat for a day beforehand. I've asked to taste like 6 different cakes. Woohoo!!

So, seriously, people; I want music suggestions for the reception. Bring it. I'm even down with Kool n' the gang. ;)