Saturday, April 25, 2009

Getting going

So, we haven't really done ANYTHING in the last few weeks. I don't know why. Burnout maybe?
But we're trying to get back on the bandwagon.
We registered!
At Macy's and Crate and Barrel.
It's so funny. I was agonizing about where to register - can't be too expensive, must have stuff we like, etc. And then I realized that all the stores have more or less the same stuff! And all the stores charge more or less the same price (well, except for Bloomingdale's. That place is expensive.)
So next thing I know I'm picking china. CHINA. That was weird. And who knew there were so many different patterns? And who knew that Vera Wang and Kate Spade china patterns. Oh the things you learn when you get married!
So the only thing we can't decide on is whether to register for a Kindle. I want to do it it! Walker does not. Because he thinks we can't register for two and if we only have one I'll hog it all the time. Which is absolutely true. :)
We're also getting close to signing a contract with the caterer (gulp!) and I'm finally going to DC to figure out who on earth is going to do my hair and makeup.
And then, of course, we are now talking about the honeymoon!
And I am talking comments, suggestions and the like on this particular topic.
We're currently talking about Greece, Cyprus or Santorini.
We want a beach and some culture. And preferably we'd like to go to a place that neither of us have been to before - which is actually the hardest condition to satisfy since Walker and I have both traveled so much!
I think the sooner we get the honeymoon planned the better. That way when we get stressed out, which WILL happen, we can resort to a honeymoon mantra: "the beach in Greece, the beach in Greece, the beach in Greece!" for example. Ahhhh! I can feel myself relaxing already!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

No Pictures...PLEASE!

Oh, dear reader, there are so many things I long to show you.
Like, for instance, what my invitations, which are being made in Bombay, will most probably look like.
But then would I be spoiling the surprise? Probably.
So, dear reader, you will just have to wait.

That is also why I refrained from writing when I was in India. I can't very well tell you about my dress(s). Let alone show them to you! And I probably shouldn't even tell you about the bangles (oh the bangles! definitely my favorite accessories. all the colors that match your dress perfectly and raise them to the next level of trendiness. ahhh!) or the jewelry for that matter. Or the shoes. You see how difficult this is?!?

Anyway, it's been pretty quiet on the wedding front since we got back from India. Because we were a) jetlagged like crazy and b) completely wedding-ed out. Why, you might ask?
Because we spent pretty much each and every day shopping our little butts off. Yes, the morning were relatively lackadaisical, but once late morning hit we were off and running: malls, boutiques, shoe stores, you get the idea.
Lunches consisted of a spicy chicken frankie (yum!!) grabbed from a sidewalk stall (thank the LORD we didn't get sick!). We even went to McDonalds one day. Mostly because I wanted to see what McDonald's in India is like. Needless to say it is VERY DIFFERENT!
First of all there is no beef. Cows are sacred, don't ya know? So if you want meat, I would recommend a lamb burger or perhaps the chicken masala burger. For those of you who are vegetarian, there is a veggie burger (which is nothing like veggie burgers in the states! They are fried!) But my personal favorite was actually the fish sandwich. (I know, gross, right? Not really. It's also fried. But what isn't in India?)

And our dinners were always amazing! Bombay is on the water, so there is a lot of wonderful, fresh seafood to be had. And we did. Every night. I kid you not.
The best places were the places that served seafood in a hydrabadi style. Fresh crab meat and prawns in spicy sauces. (Now when I say spicy I don't mean it in the lame American sense of the word. I mean it in the Indian sense, which means after the meal you have little to no feeling in your tongue. Yeaaaaaah!)
I was really bored with the food here when I got back.

Anyway, we're getting back in the swing of things now. Finalizing the dinner menu, working on music (I'm still waiting for requests). And does anyone know a good hair and makeup place in DC or MD?
I actually had this awful dream the other day that it was my wedding day and I was all dressed up to the nines with the shoes and jewelry and everything. Only I had forgotten to book someone for hair and makeup so I had no makeup on and my hair was an absolutely mess. So I threw my hair in a bun (there were flyaways everywhere) and pinched my cheeks for some color (unfortunately that doesn't really work for people with darker complexions) and went and got married. And I was so embarrassed! And they took like a million pictures of my hair looking like a bird nest.
And the dream was so vivid that when I woke up it took me a second to realize that I wasn't married and that my wedding had not taken place yet.
So, anyway, yeah, if you know of a good place for hair and makeup, I would seriously appreciate the info.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Three years

My goodness. Has it really been that long?! Yes, indeed. On April 2nd Walker and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary!!

Well, strictly speaking that's not entirely true. It went more like this:

On April 2nd we both FORGOT our anniversary.

On April 5th Walker remembered that our anniversary had been 3 days before and reminded me, to which I respnded, 'REALLY?! Oh yeah!'

On April 7th we decided we should actually celebrate it somehow.

And finally, this morning, we looked out at the pouring rain ands decided that today was the day. So we're off the ny aquarium and then to Prairie Home Companion and maybe some live music at BAM afterwards. Who knows...